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Vincent 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The founder of facebook Mark Zuckerberg, and the founder of windows Bill Gates all get into the list of top richest people in the world in 2016.

No doubt, startup is a dream for many people not to mention myself. However, for many young people after graduation, they do not have enough capital to support their dream but also having great amount of tuition debt to pay. Startup begins to be unreachable for most of the young people with no strong financial support from their families, nevertheless, we learned that intrinsic motivator is a person’s internal desire to do something due to interest and challenge from the textbook, the founder of the company usually has high intrinsic motivator and lead to the high performance in their works.

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As we could see the recently UK currency plumbed new 31-year lows against dollar. More investors extract their capitals to less uncertain countries like U.S. In addition, the Chair of the Federal Reserve Yellen denounced that there might be a raise in interest rate in the end of the year which could lead to more depreciation of UK currency.

Did the citizens in United kingdom foresee the outcome of Brexit? The answer might be yes, but only for particular group in UK. If we see the demographic of the vote, the age should be the biggest factor that turn out the decision of leaving EU.  The baby boomers have the strong distrust of authority and put a great deal of emphasis on material success, and for millennials who take technology as granted and at ease with diversity. The millennials have more opportunity to gain the higher degree than baby boomers, therefore, the younger people could be more insist to stay in EU especially for who have professional occupation of predicting economics outcome . However, the elderly are more likely to vote and participate political issue that turns out more votes for leaving.

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前年在台灣買了一把烏克麗麗   當初買在3000元左右 (算是在台灣小有名氣的牌子)

用的也不差    只是因為從小就是唸音樂班的 被訓練不管怎麼樣最重要的就是音色

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我曾經遇到不少長輩對我學音樂感到興奇也遇過不少長輩私下說不怕學音樂沒飯吃嗎? 尤其我是打擊樂出身的背景, 許多人都擔憂是否沒有市場?當人云亦云的時候, 連自己都開始懷疑這條路是不是走錯了. 但回歸到學音樂真的沒飯吃嗎? 這絕對是錯的!

有許多小孩是從小學開始念音樂班, 一路唸到考大學 也有不少人是從國中才開始接觸音樂 甚至考大學音樂系前一年才接觸 學音樂要投入不僅時間 金錢 還有家長與小孩的意志力 這麼辛苦的路 在台灣普遍想什麼都求好求快的年代  確實已經形成一個音樂圈的斷層  但為什麼還有家長持續讓小孩學音樂? 以下是我自身的經驗

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